Structural Editing

Barrett Editing has over 25 years’ experience applying structural editing techniques to a wide range of book projects, both non-fiction and fiction.

There are different types and levels of editing.

Structural editing, also called developmental editing, is about working on the structure and content of your manuscript as a whole to achieve the best result possible.

This can range from moving a few paragraphs around within a chapter/section to taking a manuscript apart and re-configuring the layout of the book.

Barrett Editing can:

  • Review the overall set-up and flow of your text and identify possible issues.
  • Advise on changes that would often involve moving text around, either within chapters or throughout the manuscript.


  • Recommend a need for additional text, removing text and elaborating on certain areas of the text – always in a two-way process with the author and using Track Changes.
  • Rewrite and rework text to avoid multiple repetition, character and plot issues.
  • Evaluate plot and character development.
  • Query any material that might need substantiation.
  • Deal with possible libel issues and, if necessary, recommend solicitors who specialize in libel reads.